PC : You can play as it is

Mobile : Flip your phone to get better play

Hello my name is derick and i am making a fun quiz game. It is still in progress but i want you guys to try and solve the quiz. Sorry in advance for the lacks of UI and other content.  I am planning to add more on later date. Any feedback and bug report  is appreciated please ~

the link to the google form survey:


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I really like the school'ish vibes of the game so far, and the jovial music!

I don't really understand the buttons on the first page. Also, I keep dying on the don't touch the blue page whenever I move my mouse to press the ready button.

Thanks for playing and the feedback as well.
Okay so i only have 3 buttons on first page, for starting the game, option menu on top left and exit button. And yes the blue section is where you cannot touch so be careful :)